Turning lessons into legacies


As a young professional and graduate student, I have worked hard to refine my research and communication skills throughout the past few years.

In particular, writing is one of my key strengths. I wrote a lot as a child. Filling journals with thoughts, lyrics, poems, and short stories. Starting at the age of thirteen, I began writing creatively for competitions. At the age of fourteen, I placed second nationally for a creative piece I wrote in the Young Writers of Canada‘s annual competition. It was subsequently published. Throughout high school, I was a writer and editor, then consequently the Editor in Chief at the Fraser Heights School Newspaper–the Hawk Word.

I still continue to write every day though it has now spanned more mediums and genres. Most recently, I completed my two-year term as the Managing Editor, first at the Exchange publication and then second, at the Editorial Board of IONA Journal of Economics at the University of British Columbia. During the 19/20 cycle, I oversaw the strategic direction of the Exchange economic policy publication by crafting 10 pitches and managing a team of 18 writers/editors. There was a record of 16 economic policy pieces published, two new series: Canada’s 2019 federal election and Effects of COVID-19, and two pieces cited in academic literature. For the 20/21 cycle, I managed a 22-member editorial board for the journal’s annual publication of undergraduate economics research. I oversaw the submissions database, helped coordinate faculty review panels on journal submissions, and supported the training of the editorial board for editing final pieces. I also published “The Future of Privacy in an Era of Big Tech and COVID-19,” for the Journal’s Exchange Publication, (2020).

At work across policy consulting and as an economic policy analyst, I have written confidential briefing notes and research reports. In particular, working as a Strategy Student at Employment, Social Development Canada (Service Canada) in the Summer of 2019, I led the highest engagement employee newsletter (5000+ across Canada) for the It’s All About YOUth edition; resulting in the edition’s highest-grossing engagement pieces. For more detailed information on my professional work within policy, check out this page.

And personally, perhaps most importantly, I wrote an award-winning blog ajourney2success.com from 2012-2020 that strove to empower young people across their diverse journeys in life. Since 2018, I have been editing my completed manuscript Coming Up For Air for self-publication.


  • Professional Writing

    • policy briefings

    • research reports

    • backgrounders / executive summaries

    • interviews

    • grants

    • organizational development documents

    • editorial processes

  • Academic Writing

    • research papers and essays

    • study reports

    • data analysis reports

    • book reviews

  • Creative Writing

    • creative non-fiction

    • personal essays

    • short stories

    • poetry

Select Publications


Completing my Manuscript on my 20th Birthday

was one of the proudest accomplishments of my life!

At the moment I am still diligently working on refining my writing craft to publish “Coming Up For Air” someday!

Stay tuned :-)